Freight Forwarding • Shipping • Operations
  • Green Marine Logistics
    Having a young team and responsive to customer needs, Green Marine Logistics will always respond positively to your requests and aims to provide optimal logistics solutions to meet the demands of our customers in organizing any type of transport. We want by promptly, quality services and flexibility to overcome this barrier industry standard and establish partnerships at the level of collaboration and communication very close to our clients.
  • Sea Freight
    GML offers complete transportation to any destination for both export and import of goods, depending on individual requests coming from our clients. Whether the expedition is made as FCL or LCL shipment, we have the solutions needed to deliver goods in any way: “door-to-door” , “port-to-port” or “door-to-port”.
  • Road Freight
    Our company offers you a full range of transport goods by trucks with tarpaulin or closed vans with capacities ranging up to 40 tons or more, on different road routes on both the export and import, and national territory. We can arrange road transport by Full truck load (FTL) or Less than Truck Load (LTL – groupage cargo) and also when customers request we can organize dedicated transports to pick up goods from one location or more. We offer competitive freight rates on routes and destinations from/to all Romanian counties.
  • Rail Freight
    Along with other ways to deliver the cargo, containerized transport by rail effectively complete portfolio of services offered by Green Marine Logistics. Despite the more extensive delivery, rail transport is the main advantage in reduced costs compared with road transport. Based on our collaboration with various carriers, we can organize rail transport for a wide variety of goods (bulk, packages, equipments, oversized cargo, containers, oil products and chemicals) in the best safety conditions.

Services - [EN] Transport fluvial conventional

[EN] Transport fluvial conventional
[EN] Transport fluvial conventional

Portul Constanta fiind atat un port maritim cat si unul fluvial, poate acomoda orice tip de nava : cargou de mic tonaj precum si barja, slep, barja autopropulsanta folosita la transportul fluvial.

    Legatura dintre portul Constanta si Dunare se face prin canalul Dunare-Marea Neagra, punte de legatura importanta care reprezinta un atu al portului Constanta datorita costurilor reduse de transport si volumelor de marfa care se deruleaza in aceasta zona. Datorita pozitiei strategice si legaturii cu Marea Neagra catre tarile europene, fluvial Dunarea reprezinta un mod avantajos de transport comparativ cu transportul feroviar si cel rutier. 

    Traficul de marfuri derulate pe Dunare a crescut de la an la an, facilitand transportul unor cantitati insemnate intre Constanta si tarile din estul si central Europei, ca si Bulgaria, Ungaria, Serbia, Austria, Germania. De asemenea prin intermediul Dunarii se pot transporta marfuri din Constanta pana la Rotterdam folosind canalul Rhin-Main.

    Dintre marfurile care detin o pondere sustantiala ce se expediaza pe Dunare cu barjele sunt: cereale, echipamente, chimicale, produse siderurgice, produse din lem si materiale de contructii.

    Firma noastra va sta la dispozitie pentru a va oferi logistica necesara expedierii marfurilor Dvs din/catre portul Constanta catre/din porturile dunarene folosind unul din mijloacele de transport fluvial mentionate mai sus.